Dinosaurs Film TV Series Episode " What They Are Eating " Part 01

Film Series The Dance Dinosaurs.
Episode        : What They Are Eating
Produced by : Space 3D Animation Studio
Genre           : Kids, Children and Family Channel
Type             : Storytelling Film

Storytelling began :

Selly   : Mother ...... please let me know about food of dinosaurs
Mrs Cindy ( Mother ) :  Explain about carnivore and herbivore dinosaurs

OK ....... see on video
Throughout the dinosaur era, groups of dinosaurs were made up of plant-eaters (herbivores) and meat-eaters (carnivores).
Different dinosaurs had different feeding habits. Giant herbivorous dinosaurs, such as the sauropods, munched high in the treetops.
Smaller plant-eaters were well adapted for chomping on lower level plants, or grazing on ground cover.
Large predators, and medium sized hunters, tended to eat the meat of other dinosaurs.
Smaller meat-eaters ate animals such as lizards, and insects.